

Condom Maker, Trojan, Gives Out 10,000 Vibrators On Streets.

In an effort to create buzz for its line of Vibrations vibrators, condom maker Trojan is giving away 10,000 of the pleasure devices  Wednesday and Thursday on the streets of New York City.

Tourists and residents alike  can pick up  their  free vibrators at  Trojan Vibrations Pleasure Carts – modeled after New York’s ubiquitous hot dog carts – parked at specific locations around town. The  two vibrator styles, Trojan Tri-Phoria Intimate Massager and Trojan Pulse Intimate Massager, which first launched in 2010, usually retail for $30 and $40 apiece.

“We’re always looking for ways to advance this effort by fostering an open dialogue about sexual health and creating unique moments that get people ‘buzzing’ about sex and pleasure,” Bruce Weiss, Trojan’s vice president for marketing, said in a statement.

A spokeswoman for the company said the publicity generated through these giveaways might  help remove  the  social stigma associated with talking about or using the devices.

“What we’re doing is taking something like a hot dog cart that is so everyday and so mainstream,” Weiss told the New York Times, “and we’re showing people that vibrators are mainstream.”

In a separate promotion, the company distributed 4,000 vibrators at the annual BlogHer conference for female bloggers last week.

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