

12 Surprising Things That Ruin Skin

Healthy, glowing skin is usually beauty priority number one for women, so here are the most surprising bad skin habits you need to kick to the curb.

1.       Makeup Mayhem

Falling asleep with your makeup on can lead to bacterial infections, clogged pores which can cause acne (hello, morning pimple!), and residue that can stay on your pillow and cause you to get sick. Keep makeup-removing wipes next to your bed so you’ll never make this beauty mistake again.

2.       Pimple Popper 

Ask any girl if she’s ever been tempted to pop a pimple on her face and she’ll reply yes, in fact, most have probably done it. To those that don’t, we applaud you. Popping and picking at the skin on your face will only push dirt and bacteria deeper into pores, resulting in more breakouts – as hard as it is, keep your hands away from your mug!

3.       Tester Terror    

You might love trying the latest and greatest new product out there. Whether it’s cosmetics, lotions, or cleansers… we’re addicted. However in order to avoid a skin nightmare, always test a product out on small patch of skin (like your arm) to avoid an unexpected allergic reaction, say on your face.

4.       Water Wellness               

It’s true, 8 glasses a day will keep your wrinkles away! Hydrating yourself daily will not only help to fight off aging, but also gives your skin a healthy glow. Skip the water, and you’ll be stuck with rough and ‘shrunken’ skin.

5.       Hair Scare          

Can’t seem to kick your facial breakouts even though you’ve tried everything? Next time you apply hair spray, use a clean towel to cover your face, protecting your skin. Also, always make sure to use a sweatband when you hit the gym so no hair products drip down when you begin to perspire.

6.       Sleeping Beauty              

At night your skin gets a chance to rest and shed its dead cells in order to build new ones. While this is all fine and dandy, those dead cells can build up over time on your pillowcase leaving behind bacteria and toxins. In order to keep skin healthy, make sure you change your pillowcase at least once every two weeks.

7.       Frown Faux Pas               

Constant movements of the muscles in your skin from facial expressions are what lead to frown lines. To give your skin a rest, try avoiding scrunching and pouting of the face which will cause permanent wrinkles and lines in your skin.

8.       Time to Hit the Gym      

Exercise seems to be the cure for almost everything these days and rightfully so! Exercising helps to increase blood flow and give your face a healthy glow. In addition, it also cleans the body of toxins which are expelled during perspiration and cleanses dead skins cells allowing new ones to grow. Without regular exercise you may see an increase in age spots, so lace up those sneakers and hit the pavement.

9.       Breezy Bummer              

If you’re an ‘AC’ junkie like us during the summer months, this tip will probably catch you off guard. Instead of cranking up the cool air, turn your air conditioner down, giving your skin extra moisture. If your cooling unit is always blaring, you’re stripping the air of humidity and moisture your skin needs.

10.   Shady Smoke    

We all know smoking is bad for you… make that very, very, bad for you; but did you know second hand smoke can be harmful to your skin? While you may not smoke, being around smokers can cause skin sagging and speed up the wrinkle process? Just one more reason to steer clear of nicotine.

11.   Makeup Overload           

Leaving the house without makeup on may feel like you’re walking around naked for a few minutes, but after awhile it’s kind of refreshing! Allowing your skin to breathe will help prevent clogged pores and breakouts while avoiding premature aging. So take a walk on the wild side – ditch your makeup every now and then.

12.   Brow Control    

Over tweezing brows can cause major damage to your skin, not to mention the overall shape and look of your face. When tweezing, always remember to wash tweezers with antibacterial soap before hand. Prep skin by placing a hot towel over the area to open up your pores and soothe post tweeze by using a cleansing aloe lotion to avoid ingrown hairs.


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